Personal Growth Series

“Change is inevitable, personal growth is a choice. Make the choice to be somebody greater than you ever imagined.”
– Drew Carole

The following quips are program descriptions. All programs are available for keynote, half day and full day seminars. Prepare to be fully engaged as Dr. Bruce Hofmann moves you, your team, and your business forward to increase your bottom line profits. Make your next event a spectacular success!

• Power of Peace of Mind

Imagine coming form a place of peace of mind… quiet and centered. How much more would you accomplish every day by quieting the internal noise that sabotages your success? Embark on a journey that will introduce you to simple, yet unique techniques that get to the core of negative emotions that create self-sabotaging and other disempowering patterns. Learn how to release pieces of your past that may be interfering with your present and unlock your personal and professional potential. You will be WOWED by its simplicity and effectiveness.

• From Your Stress to Your Success

Do you have stress in your life? This is one of life’s most proverbial and quintessential questions. YES, stress –more than ever- is everywhere and overwhelming for most of us today! Everyday and everywhere you go we are bombarded with all kinds of stress. At work, at home, within our families, dealing with finances, education, health, and even just the concept of having fun has a stress related component to it. STRESS … it just seems to be everywhere; and it is! STRESS as you may know… is the #1 silent killer and the cause of numerous crippling dis-eases. Studies have shown… that stress is a direct underlying component of heart attacks, strokes, cancer, accidents, and depression! It can and does destroy relationships —both at home and in the work place…

The energy of Stress in a healthy environment will help you grow. Though alternatively, in an unhealthy environment it will literally kill you, and those around you. There are only 24 hours in a day and so many days in our lifetime. So, how much wasted time and energy do you lose to stress each day?

Imagine harnessing the energy of stress and putting it to work for you. Wow, how much more could you; and would you achieve each and every day by capturing that wasted and unproductive energy of stress. Harnessing and utilizing it for your personal and professional growth. What would it feel like to achieve the Power of Peace of Mind becoming cool and composed while facing life’s stressors?

Discover the three steps necessary to change your stress driven behaviors…. Understand why we are addicted to stress. Recognize the differences between good and bad stressors. What is a healthy boundary and how do I maintain it. Integrate a breathing technique that will reduce your stress in five minutes or less. You will be introduced to the NET technique that will wow you with its effectiveness and simplicity in reducing stress in your life and those whom you love.

Stress will always be a part of your life, it is how you react and respond to the stressors you face each and everyday that will either make you… or break you…

• How to be Heard in a Noisy World

Wow, what would it feel like to clearly articulate your point of view, knowing that the person you are addressing receives and understands exactly what it is that you are expressing? And there is agreement. Truly everybody wants…. to be heard, to be understood, and to feel connected. …Learn the 3 Proven Techniques to clearly express your feelings. Integrate the 5 necessary steps for Effective Communication. Recognize the most Common Communication glitches. Understand the importance of How to Negotiate and Renegotiate an agreement.

• The Million Dollar Machine, YOU!

Imagine a body with no pain, discomfort or tension. Imagine days filled with vim and vigor — powerful days where you attain maximum performance. You will be introduced to a methodology that will allow you to maximize your performance and create the best opportunity to meet life’s challenges.

Learn about the winning edge that may mean the difference between success and failure and unleash your personal power.

• Time Management & Personal Development

Are you feeling the pressure of being under the gun? Stressed and overwhelmed? Time keeps slipping by; there are only 24 hours in the day. Now, the day is over and you feel as though you did not accomplish all that you might have hoped to, thus creating stress and anxiety in your life. Your stress and anxiety then creates the same for those around you! The snowball effect keeps perpetuating and you wind up getting less done and with reduced effectiveness. Learn and develop Present Time Consciousness. Discover how to do true Multitasking…at its best without the angst. You will be able to get more done in less time and with less stress. Take back the power of your day. You will be introduced to three simple steps that will set you free. So, what would it feel like to have more time for YOU! What would you do and how would you spend that most precious commodity we call TIME!

• The Relationship Adventure• Goal Setting• Mind Mapping

Book Dr. Bruce Hofmann now!

Contact us at: 954-753-2866

Seize the Opportunity

Make the call that will make your next event a spectacular success.