Neuro Emotional Technique

What is the Neuro Emotional Technique?

NET (Neuro Emotional Technique®) is an exciting treatment alternative that is often used when many other methods of treatment have failed. More than ever before, we understand just how much our emotions affect our physical health.
Emotions are natural and healthy. They are built-in response mechanisms that primarily protect and promote our general survival. However, when our body is out of balance, emotions can literally “short circuit” our nervous system, affecting our beliefs, our behaviors, and even our physical body! The Neuro Emotional Technique® (NET) can help bring the body back into balance using a mind-body approach.

Basic emotions such as fear, anger, grief disgust (and many others) can negatively influence our health when they don’t resolve normally. When our body fails to “let go” of what was originally a healthy response, it can short-circuit our nervous system, affecting our beliefs, our behaviors, and even our physical body.

The “emotional baggage” associated with past events in our lives can sometimes haunt us for years. Like a computer “bug,” unresolved negative associations are stored in our bodies, often short-circuiting our true desires; even our health.

NET practitioners can help you identify and “let go” of a stuck emotional event (real or imagined) that is locked in a particular part of your body. The wonderful result can be a new level of health and confidence.

We can do a simple, painless muscle test (also known as kinesiology) to find out if a physical problem has an emotional component involved. If the NET procedure is determined to be appropriate, a simple procedure to stop the underlying emotion which has created the challenge from continuing to cause physical problems.

NET is not therapy, nor does it take the place of therapy. Instead, it is a specific, targeted technique that brings physical relief when other treatments have failed. Our patients are amazed at just how effective and how rapidly NET works.

What qualifies someone as an N.E.T. practioner?

NET Certified Practitioners are a select group of practitioners who have completed additional training courses, as well as passed written and oral examinations.

NET Introduced to the University of Miami’s Medical School…

On May 2nd, 2003 at the University of Miami’s School of Medicine, Neuro Emotional Technique was introduced as a required workshop for all 123 second year medical residents. As part of the team of certified NET practioners, Dr. Hofmann had the pleasure of introducing the 15 step protocol in breakout sessions with the medical residents.

Based on the positive feedback and successful results, Dr. Hofmann was asked to return as one of eight certified NET practioners, to present the NET process to the University of Miami School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at their June 13th 2003 Annual Faculty Retreat.

Click here to read the letter personally given to Dr. Bruce Hofmann by the University of Miami…

Learn more about N.E.T:

Research done by the O.N.E. Research Foundation
The foundation is made up of individuals who are committed to true, natural, noninvasive healing of the minds and bodies of humanity. As individuals, we have made the decision to come together in The ONE (Our Net Effect) Foundation. ONE is a nonprofit organization dedicated to making natural healing methods available to all as the standard of care.

Book Dr. Bruce Hofmann now!

Contact us at: 954-753-2866

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